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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Simply drop an email at if you can't find the answer to your question below.

Who can submit to the JYP? Do I need to pay anything for publishing with the JYP?

Anyone is eligible to submit an article, though regular authors should preferably be young students. 
The JYP is a free, not-for-profit physics journal. You need not pay anything for publishing here.

What to submit to the JYP?

You can read our published articles for an idea as to what type of articles we usually publish. The JYP accepts any article on physics (classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, particle physics, astrophysics, modern physics, philosophy of physics etc.), or interdisciplinary subjects related to physics (like mathematics, physical chemistry, biophysics, etc.). It can be a research article, a review article or a blog. Also, authors who have joined the journal as regular authors will be informed about preferable topics on which to write. They must contribute a minimum of 3-4 articles per year.

If my article contains equations, do I need to convert them to LaTeX before submitting?

We do not require equations to be converted to LaTeX. Also, we understand that it is more convenient to submit an article which contains a lot of equations in PDF format rather than as a Google document. So, if you do not wish to submit your article as a Google document, you can directly email the PDF of your article to

Can more than one author submit an article together?

Of course, articles can have more than one author. Any one of the authors may submit the article from his/her email. In the document, the biographies (compulsory) and pictures (optional) of all the authors must be present.

However, all the authors must individually send an email to us confirming his/her consent to publish the article.

How to submit an article to the JYP?

You must convert your article into a Google document, and share the link of the document with, or paste the link in the submission form on the website. Make sure to edit the settings of the document so that anyone with the link may edit/comment on the document. We don't share the link of your document with anyone. You must include a short author bio (written in third person), and a picture of yourself (optional). All sources and figures/images must be cited; proper references must be in place (references may follow any widely-accepted formatting, preferably Chicago).

How does the review process work? How long does it take?

After you submit your article, we perform a plagiarism check. If the article passes the check, the reviewer comments his/her suggestions against the respective parts of the article on the Google document. Once the author makes the revisions, the article goes through a final review before it is published.
The review process should take a few days, depending on how well the author cooperates.

What is the benefit of publishing with the JYP?

The JYP offers a smooth review experience and offers scientific writing and publishing experience to young students, free of cost.

Who can join the JYP, and what are they expected to do?

Anyone aged 12 years or more can join the team. (Please review our children's policy on this page.) Team members will be featured on the website. As a team member, you are expected to write physics articles, of high standards, for the JYP. You may also choose to be an editor. An editor is responsible for reviewing the articles that are submitted to the journal. You do not have to work for long, and you should devote a few hours per month, or less.

What if my article gets rejected? What if I wish to withdraw a published article?

We don't reject articles very often. We think it is better to edit slightly inappropriate articles and publish them, rather than reject them. However, if an article is found to be too inappropriate, or if it fails the plagiarism check, it has to be rejected. Then, the author may choose to modify the article and resubmit it.

Authors can always withdraw their published articles. However, if this is done to publish the same article elsewhere, it is not ethically correct. Authors are requested not to submit an article to the JYP if it is submitted elsewhere. 

Where can I find the JYP on social media?

LinkedIn is our primary social platform. You can visit our LinkedIn page and follow us on LinkedIn here

How do I submit a copyright claim?

If you think any content/article on our website violates your copyright, you are welcome to submit a copyright claim here. Copyright claims are given the  highest priority, so your issue will be addressed as soon as possible. However, please note that legal action may be taken against you if your claim is found to be fake.

Is the JYP a serious journal?

The JYP is a serious, not-for-profit physics journal committed to popularizing physics and fostering the growth of young physicists. Articles go through an extensive review process conducted by passionate students, and the JYP publishes articles that are comparable to that of any reputed journal for young students. What makes a JYP article unique is its easy and engaging language which makes communicating physics to a broader audience easier. We aim to bring together a small, but unique group of young students and publish unique physics articles. Our passion for physics, flexibility, and urge to excel is what sets us apart from other blogging sites.

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